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Maybe you know the feeling that the daily demands completely exhaust you and rob you of your energy.

Constant tiredness, irritability and the feeling of no longer being able to give anything emotionally are common companions.

Sleep disorders, headaches or concentration problems make even simple tasks a challenge.

Especially for people who suffer from perfectionism and constantly feel like they have to deliver,

it can be unpleasant or even cause shame if they can no longer perform as usual.

However, blaming and stigmatization are completely inappropriate here and do not help.

If you have a slipped disc, you get professional help and do not try to act as if nothing is wrong.

Many people struggle with burnout syndrome, which can significantly affect everyday life and

I understandhow difficult it can be to overcome this condition alone.

It is a good decision to get support!

There is no need to deal with it alone.

If you expect top performance and optimal performance from a racing car,

it is important to make a pit stop from time to time and optimize the system again!

Otherwise the engine will eventually burn out, as is known from the term "burnout".


That is why I offer various therapy methods in a protected setting that can help you

to overcome your exhaustion and regain your sense of control over your life.

In an atmosphere of trust, we will create a safe space for your personal development together.

I use methods from short-term therapy that make noticeable changes possible after just a few sessions.


Talk Therapy

In talk therapy according to Carl Rogers, I offer you a safe space

in which you can express your exhaustion free from shame and judgment.

This method promotes your self-confidence and personal growth through empathy and unconditional acceptance.

You also learn to use your potential for self-optimization and become aware of your own inner strength.


Suggestive Hypnosis

With suggestive hypnosis, I support you in making optimal use of your inner resources

and making the existing inner strength accessible again.

During the hypnotic trance, you receive suggestions that help your subconscious

to react more calmly to stressful situations.


Analytical Hypnosis

Analytical hypnosis enables us to uncover deep-rooted causes of your current situation together.

In a state of deep relaxation, hidden memories or experiences can come to light

and underlying thought patterns and beliefs can be uncovered and worked on.




During our sessions you can also learn the technique of self-hypnosis.

This gives you a tool to help you control your exhaustion in everyday life.


Relaxation Techniques


Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation or autogenic training can help calm the body and reduce stress.

I am a certified instructor for autogenic training - a widely used and well-researched method that is

often recommended as an effective method of managing stress, especially in cases of burnout.

Regular relaxation exercises promote a feeling of calm and balance.


Yager Code


The Yager Code is an innovative method of working with the subconscious without directly confronting traumatic experiences. By communicating with the "higher consciousness", blocking patterns are identified and resolved.

A major advantage of the Yager Code is its gentle approach;

it allows you to bring about change without having to relive stressful memories.

The special thing here is that the problem does not have to be named in detail.

An advantage if you do not want to, cannot or are not allowed to talk about certain things (NDA etc.).

My methods are designed as short-term therapies, so - in contrast to many other approaches -

noticeable changes are often possible after just a few sessions.

Each of these methods can be used individually or in combination.

In the preliminary discussion, we will find out together which form of therapy is best for you

and estimate the duration of the treatment.


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