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High Sensitivity

Highly sensitive people experience the world more intensely.

You may know the feeling of suddenly being overwhelmed by the sounds and smells in a crowd

or feeling completely drained after a long day full of impressions.

This constant overstimulation can lead to social withdrawal

because you feel misunderstood or believe that there is something wrong with you.

It is important to recognize that high sensitivity can also be a great strength.

Your ability to perceive subtle nuances and build deeper connections with other people

can be an advantage in many areas of life. Highly sensitive people are often very empathetic and creative, which enables them

to look at problems from different perspectives and find innovative solutions.

I would like to use my methods to help you master the challenges of high sensitivity, to use it positively for yourself

and to find an appreciative way of dealing with yourself and your special ability.​

Suggestive Hypnosis

In a state of deep relaxation, we can use positive suggestions to strengthen your ability to process stimuli.

This method helps you to find inner peace and better protect yourself against external influences.

Through targeted suggestions, you learn to see your sensitivity as a strength and at the same time develop strategies to deal with stressful situations more calmly.


Analytical Hypnosis


With analytical hypnosis, we can delve deep into your subconscious to uncover possible causes of hypersensitivity or stress reactions.

By working on and resolving these causes, you can learn to better manage your high sensitivity and create more space for yourself to relax and balance.

The positive effect of hypnosis on high sensitivity lies in its ability to address the subconscious directly.

This allows deep-rooted patterns to be changed without the need for conscious effort.

Talk Therapy


In addition to hypnotherapy, I use client-centered talk therapy according to Carl Rogers.

This form of therapy offers you a sensitive framework in which you can express yourself freely.

Through active listening and unconditional positive appreciation, I support you in

developing a deeper understanding of yourself and discovering your inner strength.


Relaxation techniques


In addition to hypnotherapy, I use tried and tested relaxation techniques such as meditation and breathing exercises.

These methods help you calm your mind and regenerate your nerves.

Regular exercises can increase your resilience to external stimuli and improve your general well-being.


Yager Code


The Yager Code is an innovative method of working with the subconscious without directly confronting traumatic experiences. By communicating with the "higher consciousness", blocking patterns are identified and resolved.

A major advantage of the Yager Code is its gentle approach; it enables you to

bring about changes without having to relive stressful memories.


My methods can be used individually or in combination

and are designed primarily as short-term therapies,

so that noticeable changes are often possible after just a few sessions.

In the preliminary discussion, we will find out together which form of therapy is best for you

and estimate the duration of the treatment.

Your sensitivity is not a weakness - it is a unique strength!


Let us walk the path together

to use this strength to its full extent for your personal growth and well-being.



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